“That day, the human race remembered the terror of being dominated by them, and the shame of being held captive in a birdcage…”,we must have heard this narrative line hundreds of times. But we still couldn’t skip it while watching an episode of the ‘Attack On Titan’ series. That just represents how impactful this very dark post-apocalyptic action-packed thriller series has been to our minds. After 3 super-hit Seasons of the ‘Attack On Titan’ series, we finally know the release date of the — remorsefully very last season of the franchise.
But do not despair as Attack On Titans: The Final Season might surpass it’s hit-record so far! News is Maruyama Animation Produce Project Association, or “MAPPA” studio has taken this new project under its wing. Yes, the same MAPPA which created the original anime ‘Zankyou No terror’ aka Terror In Resonancewas praised for its storytelling and animation. (If you haven’t seen that masterpiece, I insist you watch it!) Many fans might be apprehensive of having their favorite TV show switch studios for the last season. As the first 3 Seasons were by WIT Studio. But Mappa Studio’s works speak for itself. If you haven’t already watched the trailer by the Mappa anime production company, here it is.
Is Attack On Titan: The Final Season Absolutely A Single Season As A Whole Or In Parts As Previously Seen?
A lot of you might wonder that exactly how they are going to finish this series off? Will they follow the previous routine or will this be a 3 part season with even more episodes? As there is still a lot to cover in the manga, we think the final season maybe like a two-parter as we’ve seen so far with more episodes. Or a three-parter, a bonus as it is the final season. As the manga has not ended yet there will be a lot to cover! So, don’t be disappointed the story is yet to finish!
When Will It Premiere?
The Final Season was rumored to release in Fall 2020 at first, but later the Studio revealed the premiere date is in Winter 2020. The word around seems to be that the exact release date is 7th of December 2020 in Japan. The tentative air time is just after midnight JST. But we have received no official word so far by Mappa or any other sites.
Where Can You Watch The Final Season?
You can watch the Japanese Audio version at Crunchyroll. While you have to wait fro the dub version, you can watch it on Funimation and Animelab.
Also read: Attack On Titan: Did Eren Really Eat His Dad Grisha?