Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma is a manga written by Yuto Tsukuda and illustrated by Shun Saeki. Weekly Shonen Jump published the series, which has been running since 2014. The upcoming final chapter will be published in 2019. Viz Media has been publishing the volumes digitally
Season five ended with its 13th episode aired on September 25, 2020. Overall, the anime has been modified continuously. This has made the anime more worthy of watching. Let us dig deeper.
The series is set at the Totsuki Saryo Culinary Institute, where few students graduate each year. The institute has one council; only the top chef students get to be part of it. Moreover, the exciting part comes when students can announce a food war. Some fans of the manga series didn’t like the conclusion of its anime adaptation because it deviated a bit from what was originally written in the manga.It seemed like the anime rushed. I’m glad the anime ended on a hopeful note. I know kids who really enjoyed this show, but there might need to be an OVA adaption in order for it to remain satisfactory. I just hope that the creators can come up with something like this! A lot of people are eagerly anticipating the marriage of Soma and Erina, but it felt as if the story was cut too short. Some fans are hoping for another ending: they want to see their favorite characters live happily ever after! Let’s just hope that the creators give us a happy surprise like this. At last, a good thing happened that Nakiri family won. God heard our prayers. Lol.
Another great series has come to an end! After a good 5 years, Food Wars has ended with a heartwarming ending. I watched this anime when it aired, so it is very close to my heart. Well, everything comes to an end. #shokugeki_anime
— Clyde (@Clyde51769681) September 25, 2020
Where to watch the episodes?
One can stream the anime series on different platforms. Some of them includes:
- Crunchyroll
- Adult Swim’s Toonami
- Anime Network
- Animax
- Tokyo MX
what is this ending to food wars? re-do it.
— jen (@_itsjennayyy_) September 25, 2020
That’s all for today. Until next time.